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Preventing Mold and Mildew in Commercial Roofing Systems

mold and mildew

If left alone, low-slope roofs can become a habitat for microbial and plant growth. These can penetrate commercial roofing material and compromise the roof’s structural integrity. This growth can also reduce the reflective properties of your roof coatings designed to reduce energy consumption (and thus energy costs.) 

So, if you notice discoloration or plant growth on your commercial roof, you should do something about it. In addition, here are some ideas on how to prevent such problems. 

Determine the source of the moisture.

First, find out where the moisture is coming from that could be creating an environment that supports microbials or plant growth.  Is it from the roof, walls, windows, foundation, or another entry point? Perhaps there is a plumbing leak or interior condensation that is causing the problem. If you have mold inside your commercial buildings, track down the source of the water. 

Fixing a few plumbing issues, proper ventilation, or purchasing a commercial-grade dehumidifier may reduce that musty smell typical in buildings with mildew problems. Of course, if you notice mold on a wall or wood surface, research which solutions work best to treat this problem. 

Ensure that your commercial roof drainage system is functioning correctly. 

Microbial and plant growth needs humidity, standing water, and warm temperatures to survive. Commercial roofs that do not have a chance to dry completely are more likely to be breeding grounds for such things. 

Make sure your roof has proper drainage. When water runs off the roof, it starves mold of the moisture it needs to grow.

Schedule periodic cleaning of your commercial roof.

Removing debris and organic material from your roof’s surface will reduce the risk of pooling water caused by clogged drains or gutters. And cleaning your roof surface can thwart mold and mildew growth before it spreads. Ask your roofing contractor for assistance on how to clean your roofing materials. After all, not all roof systems are the same. 

commercial roofing mold and mildew

Schedule regular professional commercial roof inspections and maintenance. 

Consistent inspections can identify mold and other problems early and ensure repairs are completed before leaks form. 

Expert installation is critical!

How do you prevent microbial or plant growth on your commercial roofing system? Hire a company well-known in the roofing industry to complete your roofing project. After all, a commercial roof that is expertly installed, ventilated, and maintained is less likely to develop problems. 

Nations Roof is one of those companies. Our crews are highly trained to install the best roofing materials in the world. And we help our customers protect their roof surfaces from mold, mildew, and other growth. Ask about the warranty on our products and services! We stand behind our work!

Contact Nations Roof today to learn more about roofing systems that reduce the likelihood of mold growth.

Key Takeaways About Mold and Commercial Roofing 

  • Several key factors are needed for mold growth: heat  and an undisturbed moist environment. 
  • To extend the life, reflectivity and durability of your roofing system, you should prevent  or remove microbial growth before it forms.
  • Your building’s roof will last longer if professionally maintained and periodically inspected.

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